Are you ready to play the "Legendary Cattle Game" ? ? ?
The Cow Game is a great ice breaker when you are at a Gathering. The Cow represents "YOU", your sexuality, your spirituality, and the way you take care of your cow is a direct reflection on yourself!
When someone comes up and asks you about what the Cow is all about, just think of the great story that you can tell this person.
Cows can be Male or Female, Gay, Straight, or Lesbian. You can have S & M Cows, Fluffy Wicca Bunny Cows, it is really all up to you and your imagination.
Cattle Rustling is against the Law and people who come before the Cattle Board accused of Rustling better have a really good reason for there actions. The Penalty for Cattle Rustling can be as drastic as Burning at the Stake.
When you are done don't forget to check out the Krinkly Pages for what is going on around Florida and a whole lot more.
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2001 [Pagan Cattle Commission]. All rights reserved.
Revised: July 06, 2001