It all began on a late misty night.
It was a great horror, when they had that fight.
There was much lost when they fought that war.
It took many a year to heal the sore.
In a misty Fairy village, on a rolling thunder cloud,
The threshold of lake and shore, wondered a lost cow.
The Fairy and the cow, share the same shade.
There was peace on earth, before the raid.
This is was the cow, of a Fairy princess.
When she is mad, she is quite relentless.
Tim Priest
The Great Celtic Cattle Wars,
( This is Only a Game )
A Call to Arms Back in the days of Gatherings Long Ago. There formed a tradition that was of the grass roots variety. You see there was this sweet young dancer that was not yet aware of her beauty. This newly incarnated Goddess had spent the day at the dance workshops and she was full of her latest discovery of Flow. Not far away, there was a young and full of energy drummer, that was full of his latest discovery of dancers. Latter that night, the two met at the circle and the Dance of Love began. By lunch the next day, The drummer became aware of young dancers family lodge and took note of a small shelter in the shade of the families lodge. He found it most interesting that there was a small corral made of sticks and string with a stuffed cow, water. oats, and a pillow located just out side of the smaller shelter. He could not help but to think what a lucky Cow. The next night was full of magic and ritual. The energy exploded when the drum circle finely began. Several time through the course of the night, these two became entranced. They both became aware of a force that scared them both. This night would burn in there thoughts and dreams for years to come. Walking by the next day the drummer noticed that the cow had no water. It was very obvious that this cow was loved so he took the cow to find water. When the dancer awoke she noticed that the cow was missing and called for help. The community arose to search for the missing love. They quickly discovered the drummer and cow down by the creek and ask what they were doing. The drummer said, I am just getting the cow some water. The dancer was so grateful that she offered the drummer one wish. This is how the Great Celtic Cattle Wars began.
We the Pagan Cattle Commission have agreed to the following treaties for peace.
1) This is only a Game. No one has to do any thing.
2) Cows and alters are sacred space.
3) All cattle must be home before closing rite
4) There is a difference between Assistance and Theft.
Colors that help. ( color can be incorporated to add clarity )
Green = Cow/bull wants to play
Yellow = Proceed with caution
Red = leave my cow/bull alone
Black = will use black magic to avenge cow/bull napping
Black/white = Mystery package.
Collar indicate ownership!
Bow indicates alternative sexuality.
Let the games begin
Pagan Cattle Commission
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Copyright ©
2001 [Pagan Cattle Commission]. All rights reserved.
Revised: April 11, 2001