Cow Shopping

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Pagan Cattle Board Official Cattle & Accessory Shopping Guide:

Places to acquire Cattle & Cattle accessories:
On my quest to locate the "perfect" cow for myself, I have gained much experience in Cattle locating.  Most discount stores, such as K-Mart, Walmart and Target have a wonderful supply of cattle.  You will need to search a bit.

The toy sections have a nice selection, but the best cows I've found are in the pet section. Many of the cattle I have located in the pet section come with the capability of speaking for themselves.  Another good place for cattle is Dollar Stores.  The Dollar Tree had a wonderful bovine selection. Some large and some very small.  They even had many cattle accessories.  Such
as backpacks, chairs, rocking horses, Frisbees, soccer balls, calf carriages and much, much more.  Again, use your imagination.  Michael's Crafts has a wealth of cattle accessories.  Two whole aisles full!  Lots of clothing and hats, even sunglasses and reading glasses.  Shoes, boots, bails of hay, fencing, the list is endless at Micelles Crafts.  One last place you may want to check would be a specialty pet store.  I found that Pet Smart has many, many cow accessories.  The "small breed" dog outfits are perfect for some of
the smaller sized bovine.  Everything from biker caps, tee-shirts, sweaters, rain gear and even tutus.  They also have a decent selection of cattle, but they are a bit pricey. 


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Revised: April 11, 2001