Cow Game Rules

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Now I know none of us likes a lot of Rules when we play a game, but in this case, certain generalities may be necessary for the Cow Game Newbies!

We the Pagan Cattle Commission have agreed to the following treaties for peace.

1) This is only a Game. No one has to do any thing.

2) Cows and alters are sacred space.

3) All cattle must be home before closing rite

4) There is a difference between Assistance and Theft.

Colors that help. ( color can be incorporated to add clarity )

Green = Cow/bull wants to play

Yellow = Proceed with caution

Red = leave my cow/bull alone

Black = will use black magic to avenge cow/bull napping

Black/white = Mystery package.

Collar indicate ownership!

Bow indicates alternative sexuality.

 Let the games begin


Pagan Cattle Commission

Well that is about all the rules there is, now for the generalities ....

  1. You need to get yourself a Cow
  2. You need to take care of your Cow, provide for it properly.  Cows should not be left to wander around the Camp Site.
  3. Your Cow is a Symbolic Representation of yourself, your sexuality, your spirituality, therefore choose a Cow that’s right for you.
  4. Each Tent Member should have their own Cow
  5. You will be indebted to people who take care of your Cow when you are not
  6. People who offer Gifts to your Cow, show that you are a responsible Cow owner
  7. Speak freely of your Cow to people who come to you with Questions about the Pagan Cattle Board. (it’s a great ice breaker)
  8. If you find a Cow that is not being taken care of by a Member of the Pagan Cattle Board, it your responsibility to assist this Cow, and your fellow member, until such time that they are more capable of taking care of their own Cow.
  9. In addition to rule number 8, When you are ready to re-assume responsibility of your cow, the reciprocation of the Cow must be negotiated between both members, if this is not acceptable to both parties the Pagan Cattle Commission will step in as an arbitrator.
  10. As a card carrying member of the Pagan Cattle Board, you will be able to display your cow proudly on the Pagan Cattle Board Website.
  11. Cow Alarms are fully acceptable and should be used at the owners' discretion
  12. Be leery of Cross dressing animals who appear as Cows
  13. Cows vary in their sexuality and spiritual beliefs just as their owners do, so be careful when approaching an unknown Cow.
  14. Accessorize your cow the way you would yourself.
  15. It is suggested that you look into Cow Care while attending workshops and rituals.



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Revised: April 11, 2001